What is the result of man’s fall?

What is the result of man’s fall?
When man challenged God and sinned, Satan took the control of dominion from man. Thus sin entered into this world and defiled all creation. We do not know what our first parents lost when they disobeyed God. What man was supposed to control has been taken away by Satan. Now Satan and his angels (demons) exert constantly their influence on man. They are called evil forces or devatas by Bhagawat Gita. The influence of these forces on the man is studied by astrologers. These forces could be predicted by horoscope. That is why astrological predictions seem to be partly correct in many cases. As usual, anything of evil forces will be part and not fully correct. Many leading astrologers opine that the planetary positions mentioned in the horoscopes are not the planets of the solar system but the positions of evil forces situated in the universe.

What is the result of man’s fall?
When man challenged God and sinned, Satan took the control of dominion from man. Thus sin entered into this world and defiled all creation. We do not know what our first parents lost when they disobeyed God. What man was supposed to control has been taken away by Satan. Now Satan and his angels (demons) exert constantly their influence on man. They are called evil forces or devatas by Bhagawat Gita. The influence of these forces on the man is studied by astrologers. These forces could be predicted by horoscope. That is why astrological predictions seem to be partly correct in many cases. As usual, anything of evil forces will be part and not fully correct. Many leading astrologers opine that the planetary positions mentioned in the horoscopes are not the planets of the solar system but the positions of evil forces situated in the universe.

What is the result of man’s fall?
When man challenged God and sinned, Satan took the control of dominion from man. Thus sin entered into this world and defiled all creation. We do not know what our first parents lost when they disobeyed God. What man was supposed to control has been taken away by Satan. Now Satan and his angels (demons) exert constantly their influence on man. They are called evil forces or devatas by Bhagawat Gita. The influence of these forces on the man is studied by astrologers. These forces could be predicted by horoscope. That is why astrological predictions seem to be partly correct in many cases. As usual, anything of evil forces will be part and not fully correct. Many leading astrologers opine that the planetary positions mentioned in the horoscopes are not the planets of the solar system but the positions of evil forces situated in the universe.