Why do some scientists say that there is no God?
Ignorance and arrogance can make a man miss God. We know for sure that a blind man cannot see and if he denies that there are no whales in the ocean what would be our response to that statement? Similarly our inability or handicap to see or feel something with our existing senses cannot rule out its existence.
In the 18th century if someone had proposed the existence of X-rays in the nature nobody would have believed him. But we know X-rays were discovered in the 20th century and a proposal in the 18th century would not have gone wrong, though it was not confirmed. Similarly, the germ theory was proposed in the 20th century and it did not mean that germs never existed earlier to that proposal. We know that it existed and caused diseases in man and animals. Presently, we have no experiments or methods to prove or disprove the existence of God by any scientific methods. However, pure simple logics make us believe that there is a Creator behind this beautiful creation.